Taking Bold Steps to Counter Gov. ride-share Plans
Dear Members, The Bermuda Taxi Owners and Operators Association (BTOA) is taking a stand against the government’s proposed ride-share initiative. At a press conference today, our President, Ricky Tucker, and Secretary, Sylvia Douglas, detailed our plans to protect our industry and ensure our livelihoods.
Key Points from the Press Conference:
- Opposition to ride-share: The BTOA firmly opposes the government’s ride-share initiative. We believe this plan threatens our industry by devaluing our vehicle licenses and undermining our business as self-employed taxi operators. President Ricky Tucker has made it clear that we will not support any Member of Parliament who endorses ride-share, nor will we vote for the PLP in upcoming elections.
- Developing Our Own App: In response to the government’s actions, the BTOA is developing its own transportation application and dispatch service. This app will allow us to maintain control over our operations and ensure fair competition. We advise all members to withdraw from any dispatch service that supports ride-share operations.
- Financial Inequity: The government’s plan could allow up to 150 applicants to pay $1,000 to operate seasonal ride-share services. In stark contrast, taxi operators pay a hefty $100,000 fee for their permits. This disparity is unacceptable and further highlights the financial inequity that the ride-share initiative would introduce.
- Questions for the Transport Minister: We have forwarded a series of questions to Transport Minister Wayne Furbert, demanding clarity on how ride-share will be policed, who will manage the app, and which insurance companies will provide coverage. We expect answers within five days and will keep you informed of any developments.
Unity and Action
Our strength lies in our unity. While some drivers may prefer a laid-back approach, it is crucial that we all stand together to protect our industry. As President Tucker stated, “We are here to protect our industry.”
Upcoming Members Meeting:
To provide further details and discuss our next steps, we will be holding a members meeting on:
Date: TBA
Time: TBA
Location: TBA
Your presence and participation are essential as we navigate this critical period. We will outline our plans for the new transportation app, discuss our withdrawal from current dispatch services, and strategize our collective actions moving forward.
The BTOA is committed to fighting for the rights and livelihoods of all our members. We urge you to stay informed, stay united, and be ready to take decisive action. Together, we can ensure that our voices are heard and that our industry remains strong.
Thank you for your continued support.
Best regards,
Public Relations excutive
Bermuda Taxi Owners and Operators Association (BTOA)